Five pillars of Islam
The 5 Pillars of Islam
Pilars of 7slam (Arkanul Tslam) Islam has five basic duties which Muslims must perform. They are known as the five pillars of Islm (Arkänul slm). These pillars are mentioned in the following Hadith of Rasülullh(: “Isläm is based on five things: declaring that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of Salät, * the payment of Zakät, the Hajjamd Sawmin the month of Ramadän.” The five pillars mentioned in the Hadith are listed on the sideof opposite page. Let us lookat thembrieflySHAHADAH AS explained in the Articles of Faith section, This declaration is called the Kalimah Tayyibah. It summarizes the whole of Islamic belief. The first part (Lailäha Illal’Lh) is about the Oneness of Allah (Tawhid in Arabic) while the second part (Muhammadur Rasklullh) concerns the prophethood (Rislah) of Muhammad () The first pillar of Islm is Shahãdah, which concerns belief in Tawhid and Rislah of Muhammed ). The other four pillars make up “lbdah. ‘”lbdah, an Arabic term, includes any activity which is done to gain Allah’s pleasure. Salt, Zakät, Sawm and Hajj are the main forms of worship or lbdah. Any Muslim who performs them regularly and correctly with sincerity, will come closer to Allah, our Creator and Sustainer.