Usuluddin – Tawheed, Risalah, Akhirah
Usuluddin – Tawheed, Risalah, Akhirah
Islam can be condensed into three basic concepts:
Tawheed: the word comes from the triliteral root “aa-ha-da” meaning one. Tawheed means Unity or Oneness of God, Monotheism. Tawheed signifies that there is no God but Allah. He cannot be compared to anything and is perfect in every respect.
Risalah: this is from the root “ra-sa-la” meaning to send. The concept of Risalah in Islam is that Allah sent His messengers and prophets to mankind throughout history, for their guidance. From Adam to Muhammad, these prophets of God conveyed the same message of Tauheed.
Akhirah: It is from the root letters “aa-kha-ra” meaning final, last, that which comes after. The Hereafter or Akhirah is the concept of life after death. In the “Afterlife” people will be held accountable for their transgressions and rewarded for their good deeds, leading to their final abode in Hell or Paradise accordingly. This is in direct relation to the belief that Allah is Just and Merciful.