54 Faraid in Islam – by Imam Hasan al-Basri (rh)
54 Faraid in Islam
by Imam Hasan al-Basri (rh)
1. To believe in the Oneness of Allah and to be constant in His remembrance (Dhikrullah).
2. To wear only Halal clothes.
3. To make Wudu when it is required.
4. To establish daily Salat.
5. To make Ghusl when it is required.
6. To believe in and put absolute trust in Allah’s promise in taking of one’s sustenance (Rizq).
7. To consume only Halal foods.
8. To have contentment (Qana’ah).
9. To have trust (Tawakkul) in Allah.
10. To have trust in Allah’s Qada’ and Qadar.
11. To count one’s blessings and show gratitude (Shukr) for Allah’s bounties.
12. To show patience (Sabr) towards hardships and calamities.
13. To repent (Tawbah) on regular basis.
14. To worship (Ibadah) Allah with utmost sincerity (Ikhlas).
15. To regard the Sata (Shaytan) as the number one personal and public enemy.
16. To base one’s worldview and actions on the Quran.
17. To prepare oneself for death.
18. To love for the sake of Allah (Al-Hubbu Fillah), and to detest for the sake of Allah (Al-Bughdu Fillah).
19. To enjoin what is lawful and virtuous in accordance with Allah’s Law (Al-Amri b’l-Maruf) and
prohibit what is unlawful, vice and evil (Wa’n Nahyi ‘ani’l-Munkar).
20. To abstain from back-biting (Ghiybah) and malice.
21. To obey and show gratitude to ones parents and to treat them with respect and love.
22. To maintain bonds of kinship (Silatu’r-Rahm) with ones relatives.
23. To uphold the Trust (Amanah) and refrain from any betrayal.
24. To abstain from unlawful humour (Mizah).
25. To obey Allah and His Messenger peace be upon him.
26. To seek refuge in Allah from all evils and transgressions.
27. To fear Allah.
28. To look at things with a discerning eye to learn a lesson, to take an admonition (Ibrah) and heed from them.
29. To contemplate deeply (Tafakkur) on Allah’s creation, but not about Allah’s Essence.
30. To protect one’s tongue from evil utterances.
31. To abstain from committing evil and unlawful things.
32. To refrain from mocking anybody (Istihza).
33. To protect one’s eyes from gazing at Haram things.
34. To abstain from having suspicion and ill thoughts (Sui-z-Zann) towards Allah and Mu’minin.
35. To be righteous under all circumstances.
36. To abstain from impertinent behaviour which leads to transgression.
37. To refrain from listening to ugly and unlawful things.
38. To exert effort to acquire Islamic knowledge.
39. To maintain right measure and weight in business transaction.
40. To abstain from becoming complacent in regards to Allah’s plans over one’s affairs.
41. To refrain from refusing to give to the poor and the needy.
42. To abstain from giving up hope from Allah’s mercy.
43. To refrain from following the desires (Shahawat), whims and wishes (Hawa’) of the animal self (Nafs).
44. To give charity (Sadaqah) from one’s share of Rizq to those in need.
45. To abstain from indulgence, luxury and waste (Israf).
46. To refrain from rubbing in or taunting someone for the past favours one has done for him.
47. To abstain from conjugal relations during menses or post-natal bleedings.
48. To keep one’s heart clean from all sins.
49. To shun arrogance and self conceit.
50. To be kind and caring for the orphans.
51. To guard strictly the five daily Salat.
52. To avoid assigning partners (Shirk) to Allah and all of its forms.
53. To keep away from unlawful intercourse (Zina).
54. To abstain from all intoxicants.
55. To abstain from using Allah’s name in vain and making false oaths?